Suzanne Moubray | Accountant

“Would like to see more women in leadership positions—foremen, superintendents, and project managers.”

What is your favorite part about working in construction?

It has more to do with the company than with the type of business for me. As an accountant, my job is basically the same where ever I work. Being involved with Martin Horn and construction is always different; I think with us not being locked into a particular type of project all of the time makes life a lot more interesting. You never know what we might be doing.

Are there any obstacles you’ve had to overcome as a woman in construction?

I don’t experience this as much, since I am an office worker and not in the field.

Why do you think there are so few women in construction?

It is hard work and you have to have the desire to build with your hands. Most women aren’t like that.

Is there anything you think could change to make construction a more inclusive industry?

Construction is one of the foundations (no pun intended) that this country was built on, just like farming. It needs to be appreciated! Once it is, inclusion will come.

What do you hope to see in the future for women in construction?

Would like to see more women in leadership positions—foremen, superintendents, and project managers.