Women in Construction Week 2020 - Suzie Bennett
Suzie Bennett | Project Administrator
“Learn to laugh it off. Learn to be resilient. Never give up.”
How did you end up in construction?
I was working for an equine vet that was about to retire, so I was on the hunt for a new job. I interviewed at a local construction firm and immediately knew that is where I belonged.
What was your experience like when you first started as a woman in construction?
It hasn’t changed much for me honestly. Sometimes you run into people who don’t take you seriously, but most of the time I am treated as an equal in the industry.
Has it changed since then? How?
It has. Women have slowly been integrated into the construction. It’s not unusual to see a woman on a construction site anymore. I hope to see the number of women on the job site increase in the coming years.
What career advice do you have for younger women interested in construction?
Working in construction comes with a lot of ups and downs. A lot of stress. Lots of last-minute things that need to get done. Lots of things that needed to be fixed yesterday. Learn to laugh it off. Learn to be resilient. Never give up.
Why do you think women should work in construction?
Women generally have a better eye for the smaller details. It’s imperative in construction to be able to look at both the big picture as well as the smallest details to determine if what is being constructed is for the best possible outcome and will achieve its intended purpose.