Wellness 2024

At Martin Horn, we are committed to making health and wellness accessible to everyone on our team. With the demands of daily work and family life, it's essential to carve out time each day for self-care. Simple habits like taking a 30-minute walk, meditating, or eating a healthy meal can significantly improve your overall well-being over time.
Earlier this year, we upgraded our well-equipped company gym with a new treadmill, StepMill, and Smith Machine. The gym is open 24/7 to all employees, and we’ve seen a growing group of lunchtime workout enthusiasts who keep each other accountable throughout the week. We also revamped our kitchen snacks and drinks, replacing less healthy options with sugar-free and low-calorie alternatives.
For employees looking to quit smoking, we introduced a smoking cessation program that covers the cost of nicotine gum or patches, as well as professional hypnotherapy treatment. Quitting smoking quickly reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke, and after 10 years, the risk of lung cancer drops by 50%.
On September 14th, nineteen employees and their family members participated in the 41st Annual Gene Arnold Memorial - Area 3 Special Olympics 10K Run/2 Mile Walk. This event supports the local Special Olympics chapter in Charlottesville, with funds raised going towards equipment, uniforms, and travel expenses for Special Olympics athletes.
We also launched our first health and wellness challenge, where employees earned points by completing activities like taking 10,000 steps a day, getting 8 hours of sleep, or visiting their doctor for a wellness check-up. Employees who earned 300 points over five months received a $100 gift card. Impressively, 20 of our employees (30%) achieved their goal, likely forming healthier habits along the way.
Our 2024 health and wellness initiatives culminated in our Annual Wellness Day, held every October. This event underscores our commitment to investing in the health and financial wellness of our employees. We started with a healthy lunch catered by Roots Natural Kitchen, which converted some into tofu enthusiasts. Kasey Hartman, Director of Fitness and Aquatics at Farmington Country Club, shared simple habit shifts for better health. Breakout sessions included flu shots with Dr. Ann from Sentara Family Medicine, an overview of the 2025 benefits and pharmacy plan with Kassi O’Brien from Scott Insurance, and a 401(k) education session with Tripp Leonard from Irongate Capital Advisors.
Looking ahead, we are planning new initiatives for next year, including in-house yoga classes, chair massages, fitness challenges, and community events. Here’s to a healthy and prosperous 2025!