Crescent Halls Redevelopment Kickoff Celebration
Martin Horn, alongside Red Light Management, GMA Construction, Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA) and the Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR) hosted a kickoff and groundbreaking event for the redevelopment of Crescent Halls on April 14, 2021. The highly-anticipated renovation to the public housing building has been fought for by residents for years.
Residents, contractors, and elected officials all came together to celebrate the kickoff. The event highlighted the voices of those who are making this resident-led renovation possible. Notable speakers included Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Senator Creigh Deeds, and Delegate Sally Hudson. Founder, President, and CEO of GMA Construction Group, Cornelius Griggs, spoke of his own experience growing up in public housing in Chicago and his drive to empower low-income and affordable housing residents.
Originally constructed in 1976, the Crescent Halls fell into disrepair over the years. Renovations are led by Chicago-based GMA Construction Group, with Martin Horn acting as their local partner. Renovations will include Crescent Hall’s 105 residential units, common areas, exterior spaces, parking, building systems, and underground infrastructure.
Careful coordination of construction was required to prevent displacement and minimize the disruption to residents. The renovation is phased in building sections, allowing residents from active-site units to be relocated to temporary units until their section of the building is completed and safe for them to return. Construction began at the end of April and is on schedule to wrap up in late 2022.